Wednesday, December 12, 2007

- Peel's History of Traditional English Folk Music (PARTS 4 to 6)

As promised, here are the remaining three parts of the documentary series:

Part 4: Folk Rock (Fairport Convention et al)

part 4

Part 5: Celtic and Irish music

part 5

Part 6: Contemporary folk of the late 90s

part 6

Thanks once more to Chris for his efforts in mp3ifying these. If anyone has any more info on this series, don't hesitate to leave comments below.


Anonymous said...

Thanks - been looking forward to these. Unfortunately, you seem to have linked part_6 to "part 4" ie
Btw, I notice you have the Robert Smith show, I'd love to get the Siouxsie and Underworld shows from the same week !

Mr Greedy

entrailicus said...

Try it now, it should be the right link.

entrailicus said...

Oh, I have the Siouxsie show and I'll put it on the blog soon. Would also like to have the Underworld show.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the quick fix !
I've a C100 tape of the Underworld
show - its great. I'll digitise it
and put the link up. Sadly its missing the last 20 mins.....

Anonymous said...


domestic empire said...

Thanks again Chris and entrailicus. Just linked to it @ jped - I'm getting quicker at this!

Anonymous said...

Underworld as djs in the Peel slot.
Incredibly varied, eclectic etc.
There's classic rock, ambient, world music .....
Part 2 to follow ....

Anonymous said...

That song in part 1 that features a
"very-drunk" Peely is hilarious !
Here's part 2. Sadly, 'cos I didn't use a C120, the last few songs (inc 'She's Lost Control') are missing. If anyone has the full Monty, please....
Part 2 :

entrailicus said...

Thanks for those, fabulous!

Tom B Stones said...

Thank you all for these wonderful downloads!

I found more info on this series (entitled "As I Roved Out") here:

- Tom

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for uploading these, they're making for fascinating listening.

varun said...

Iam not sure if you will see this, but ti will be really great if you can re upload part4 and part2 of the series! The links seem to not work. I was able to get the other!

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